Pride Month

June is LGBTQ Pride month.

Pride is a celebration of identity, gender, race, sexuality, activism and support.

“All individuals deserve to experience love fully, equally, without shame, and without compromise.”

On June 28, 1970The first Pride march in New York City was held within 6 months, 2 gay activist groups had formed in New York.

Since then, LGBTQ+ people have continued to gather together in June to march with Pride and demonstrate for equal rights. Gay Pride celebrates sexual diversity and has become a way to protest against discrimination, promoting dignity and self affirmation- while creating awareness of issues that this population face.

Why is Pride important to mental health??

“…mental health disparities experienced by LGBTQ individuals, suggests that experiences of LGBTQ-based victimization — and the internalization of these experiences and anti-LGBTQ messages — can compound and produce negative mental health outcomes and increase suicide risk among LGBTQ individuals (Meyer, 2003).”

Suicide attempts in LTBTQ+ youth can be reduced by having at least ONE supporting adult.

Suicide risk for this population is not because of their sexual orientation or gender identity but at higher risk because of how they are mistreated and stigmatized in society (Trevor Project, 2022).

Join the movement and support equal rights! 13 Blogs you should check out this month:


Winter… A SAD Time


Mental Health Awareness Month